To help change the lives of homeless women over 55, nearly 50 cars and over 75 individuals came together to take on the first Live Like Her Challenge in September 2022.
By living in our cars for one night we were able to raise over $105,000 to help fund The Forgotten Women’s mission to provide fit-for-purpose housing for women over 55 years of age who are experiencing homelessness. Our estimate is that we will now be able to provide housing for 8 more women in need.
Thank you to all who joined us, fundraised and supported our first Live Like Her Challenge, especially our generous event sponsors, without which it would not be possible. A special mention to the Lady Mayoress, Fleur Madden and Kerri-Anne Dooley for their passionate promotion and support of our event. Additionally, thank you to SeneGence for hosting the first Live Like Her Challenge and many thanks to Trending Media who worked tirelessly to help make the inaugural event a success.
As we look forward to 2023, we are excited to announce the Live Like Her Challenge will be an annual event enabling us to continue to raise funds to put a roof over the head of every homeless woman over 55. One night of your life will help her home as everyone deserves to live with dignity and age securely in place.