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Workplace giving programs are not just good for charities, they are also great for your business and employees.  Business and personal benefits of a workplace giving program include:





  • staff morale

  • sense of achievement and contribution to social causes

  • staff empowerment to support a cause close to their hearts

  • team development through activities

  • tax incentives

  • demonstrates corporate social responsibility

  • satisfaction from contributing to social impact

  • it’s fun

  • it's not time or resource intensive

  • easy to implement

We’ve put together some ideas for how your workplace can get together and raise money for The Forgotten Women.....



Spare Change Bucket

This idea will raise money throughout the year, with minimal effort. Contact the charity you’re fundraising for and ask them for some branded collection tins. Place the tins/buckets in areas of your workplace that people walk past a lot, like the kitchen, reception and meeting rooms.


Swear Jar/Buzzword Jar

Set up a jar in the workplace and any time somebody curses/uses the buzzword, they need to make a donation.


Ugly Shirt/Hat Day

Everyone donates to be able to wear their ugliest shirt/hat or similar item of clothing to work on a given day.  Offer a prize for the ugliest item. 


Casual Dress Day

Everyone donates to be able to wear casual clothes at work on a given day.


Coffee Free Day/Week/Month 

Everyone donates the cost of their daily coffee for given period. 


Matched Giving

Challenge your bosses, another team, a client or someone similar to match the money you and your team raise for a charity. 



Hold a quiz/trivia event with entry frees going to your charity of choice.   


Guess The Baby

Ask everyone to provide a baby photo of themselves with staff competing to match the adult to the baby photo.  Small donation to participate and a prize for the winner. 


Guess The Lollies

Fill a jar with lollies and ask your colleagues to guess how many lollies are in the jar. Charge a small fee to enter and give the jar of lollies to whoever guesses the closest number.


Charity Birthdays

Swapping birthday celebrations for a charitable donation. So instead of buying cake and a card, give some money to charity in honour of the birthday person.


Workplace Olympics

Write down a list of Olympic activities relevant to your workplace and create an obstacle course that involves them all. The fastest colleague to complete the course is crowned the winner.  Donation required to enter. Award Gold, Silver and Bronze medals and workplace bragging rights. 


Afternoon/Morning Tea

Prepare delicious food for a workplace morning/afternoon tea with a donation participation requirement. 


Sponsored Pledges

Ask your colleagues to pledge to give something up for a week or a month, in exchange for sponsorship from their teammates. 

Thank you for your submission! We'll be in touch soon.

For further information or to notify us of your workplace giving initiative please submit the following contact form:


The Forgotten Women  acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we operate, live and gather as employees, and recognise their continuing connection to land, water, and community. We pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging, and we thank them for their wisdom and guidance.

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